
The conventions for a romance film are based upon the stereotypical appearances of the genders and the way the characters are represented through their appearances. 
I wanted my trailer to be conventional to genre because after researching into other romance films, I realized the most successful were those which had used the conventions.

Female Conventions
The female character in my trailer is very feminine and is also represented as emotional. This scene is the ninth scene where the female is in her bathroom crying. Females are often stereotyped as being over emotional and this is conventional for the genre as the story line is emotional and dramatic. The mise en scene I used here was mascara which I ran down her face to highlight her tears. Mascara is another feminine feature that is associated with women. When females cry in films, mascara is often running down their faces as females are expected to wear make-up which is another stereotypical feature of females appearance's which is why I have used this in my trailer. 

I have used Mise en scene to reinforce her feminine appearance such as the scene where she runs out of the house to meet the male character. She is wearing cropped denim shorts and a red crop top bare foot. This allows for a lot of her flesh to be exposed which is stereotypical for the appearance of younger women. This clothing is tight fitting with highlights her feminine curves. This is conventional for genre because the lead female role is stereo typically attractive and ultra feminine in  romance film which is what I have attempted to portray. 

Her feminine appearance includes her long brown hair which creates a very feminine appearance as long hair is usually associated with younger girls which is conventional for genre as they are a young couple in love. Her appearance is also conventional for the audience as her appearance is representative of her age group which is the age of the target audience. Another film that used this convention was 'Dear John'. The lead female role also had long blonde hair which made her ultra feminine. 

Another convention I have used is the females height. Conventionally in romance films the female is shorter than the male as this makes the male appear more dominant which is stereotypical of a relationship. This is also used in the romance film 'The Notebook' and 'The Vow'. 

Male Conventions
The male conventions are based upon the stereotypical idealistic idea of what a male's appearance is. Harry fitted well as the male character because of his height and build. Being his height meant that he is far taller than Isobel which meant that I could use this convention in my trailer. This convention is also used in romance films such as 'The Lucky One' and 'Dear John'. 

His build is also conventional as he is well built and muscly which means that he looks a lot bigger in comparison to Isobel which allowed me to use the stereotypical idea of the male being more dominant in the relationship and the height reflects this. His short hair is also another feature of him which makes him mote masculine. His short blonde hair contrasts to Isobel's long dark hair which when together, allows these features to be highlighted which reinforced the representations of their genders. 

Throughout the trailer, I have used masculine clothing to keep this representation of a stereotypical male going throughout the trailer. A scene from my trailer which expresses this particularly is the scene with the army rucksack. The army rucksack is used to represent his profession and this is reinforced when he female says 'You're a marine?' in the following scene. His profession in the trailer makes him appear masculine because the men in 'the forces' are stereo typically masculine because of the level of fitness etc. that they have to maintain. Men in the forces are stereo typically associated with masculinity and this is why I thought this career would be conventional. 

Conventions of genre and ancillary products
This power point analyzes the conventions I have used in my trailer such as camera work, editing, mise en scene and sound. The power point also covers what conventions I have used across my ancillary products and why these are effective. 

Analyzing effect of conventions on my target audience 
This power point analyzes the effect the conventions have on my target audience and why the conventions of genre are so important. 

Analyzing conventions of my ancillary product
Here I have analyzed the conventions I have used in my film magazine and what effect these have on my audience. 

Analyzing conventions of my ancillary product 
This shows how I have analyzed the conventions I have used within my film poster and the effect these have on my target audience. 


Linking my main products

This is a prezi presentation covering how I have used different features to link my three products together. These include; mise en scene, colour, font, language and images. 

How have I created brand identity?
I have created a power point to show how I have created brand identity throughout my ancillary products. I have covered; theme, camera shots, mise en scene, house style and colour and I have completed a summary of my brand identity. 

Comparing my products to existing products
This power point covers the different features across both my film magazine and poster and refers to the similar features on the existing products I used as stimulus for my ancillary products. 

Final evaluation questionnaire

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Questionnaire Analysis

Interview with my target audience
I interviewed someone who fits into my target audience to ask them some questions about my trailer in order to get further feedback to use to improve on my trailer. 

Technologies I have used
This prezi covers all the technologies I have used throughout my production and how I have used them within my production of my trailer and ancillary products. 

Technologies used for my ancillary products- poster
This word document covers what technologies and soft wares I used to produce it and how I used them. 

Technologies used on my ancillary products- Magazine
I have shown whereabouts I have used different soft wares and technologies and how and whether I think my have worked or not. 

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